Limited Use/Limited Application Elevators

LULA elevators, or Limited Use/Limited Application elevators, are designed to provide accessibility in low-rise buildings where conventional elevators might be unnecessary or impractical.

American Crescent Elevator Residential LULA elevator
American Crescent Elevator Residential LULA elevator
American Crescent Elevator LULA pit in church installation
American Crescent Elevator LULA pit in church installation

Convenience and Economy

American Crescent’s  LULA Lift has the convenience of fitting in limited spaces. If you have approximately 30 square feet, our access lift will meet your minimal hoistway requirements. With 18 square feet of clear inside car space, you will have ample room for a wheelchair and attendant.

Delivery of our package requires approximately 6 to 8 weeks from receipt of approved submittals. All standard packages will ship pre-wired for quick and easy field installation.

If we can help fill your needs with our LULA package, please call us at (601) 798-9392

American Crescent Elevator LULA in church installation

LULA Elevator

Standard Features
Optional Features
ANSI Approved Elevators

Our Elevators are ANSI Approved

All elevators manufactured by American Crescent Elevators are ANSI approved and meet all safety requirements set forth by state and federal governments.